Let us Help you Help your Community!
Would you like assistance in educating others to save lives and reduce disability by becoming Stroke Smart? There is a lot of information on this site! We offer presentations, talking points, a quiz which you can use or share with a group, and so much more.
Click on the image below to start this simple, clear 12-minute video, useful for basic Stroke Smart training. A shorter, 3-minute video is also available here. The 12-minute file slides can be downloaded here (you must create a free Canva account) and includes notes for a live presentation. Both the training video and presentation are designed to be accompanied by the Virginia Department of Health magnets and wallet cards, available for free order here. If you prefer the PowerPoint format, the version used with the video is here; a more basic presentation, also as a free download, is available here.
We are thrilled to offer you the Stroke Smart training slides in Spanish, here, in Canva software, and here in PowerPoint. The Stroke Smart training video in Spanish (25 minutes) is available here.
Likewise, we offer the Stroke Smart training slides in Korean, here, in Canva software, and here in PowerPoint. The Stroke Smart training video in Korean (20 minutes) is available here.
We also stand ready to help you tailor this material for your own needs. Complete the form here and we'll be in touch.